100+ FAQs about Futures in the Indian Share Market

Explore a comprehensive list of FAQs about Futures in the Indian Share Market

What are Futures Contracts?Futures contracts are financial agreements that obligate the buyer to purchase or the seller to sell an asset at a predetermined price on a specified future date.
Which assets can be traded as Futures in India?Futures contracts are available for various assets, including stocks, indices, commodities, and currencies, in the Indian market.
How are Futures different from Options?In Futures contracts, both parties are obligated to fulfill the contract, while in Options, the buyer has the choice to exercise or not.
What is the minimum lot size for Futures trading?The minimum lot size for Futures trading is determined by the exchange and varies for different assets.
How is the margin calculated for Futures trading?The margin for Futures trading is calculated based on factors such as volatility, contract size, and market conditions.
Can one trade international Futures in India?While some international Futures are available for trading in India, it’s essential to check with the exchange for specific contracts.
What is the significance of the expiry date in Futures contracts?The expiry date is when a Futures contract matures, and the parties must either settle or roll over the contract.
How is the settlement done for Futures contracts?Settlement for Futures contracts can be either cash-settled or physically settled, depending on the contract specifications.
Can one trade overnight in Futures contracts?Yes, Futures contracts can be held overnight, allowing traders to carry positions beyond the regular trading hours.
What is the impact of dividends on Futures contracts?Unlike stocks, Futures contracts do not receive dividends, and their prices are not directly affected by dividend payouts.
Are there restrictions on short selling in Futures?While short selling is allowed in Futures, it’s subject to market regulations, and exchanges may impose certain restrictions during extreme market conditions.
How is the mark-to-market process in Futures trading?Mark-to-market involves adjusting the margin account daily based on the contract’s closing price, ensuring both parties meet their financial obligations.
What is the significance of the open interest in Futures?Open interest represents the total number of outstanding Futures contracts, providing insights into market participation and potential price trends.
Can one hedge using Futures contracts?Yes, Futures contracts are commonly used for hedging against price fluctuations, allowing market participants to manage risk.
How does leverage work in Futures trading?Futures trading involves leveraging, allowing traders to control a larger position with a relatively smaller upfront margin.
What is the role of a margin account in Futures trading?A margin account is essential in Futures trading to ensure that traders have sufficient funds to cover potential losses and meet margin requirements.
Can one trade Futures on foreign stocks in India?Yes, some exchanges in India offer Futures contracts on select foreign stocks, allowing investors to gain exposure to international markets.
What is the difference between near-month and far-month Futures?Near-month Futures are contracts with closer expiry dates, while far-month Futures have more extended maturity periods, providing flexibility in trading strategies.
How does news and events impact Futures prices?Market news and events can significantly impact Futures prices by influencing investor sentiment, market participants, and overall demand and supply dynamics.
Can one modify or cancel a Futures order?Yes, traders can modify or cancel their Futures orders before they are executed, providing flexibility in adjusting trading strategies.
What is the role of the Futures Clearing House?The Futures Clearing House acts as an intermediary, clearing and settling trades, managing risk, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Futures market.
How is the contract size determined in Futures?The contract size in Futures is determined by the exchange and represents the quantity of the underlying asset covered by a single contract.
Can one trade Futures on individual stocks in India?Yes, Futures contracts are available for trading on individual stocks in India, providing opportunities to speculate or hedge against price movements.
What is the role of the regulatory authority in Futures trading?Regulatory authorities, such as SEBI in India, oversee and regulate Futures trading to ensure fair practices, transparency, and the protection of investors.
How does economic data impact Futures markets?Economic data releases, such as GDP figures, employment reports, and inflation data, can influence market sentiment and lead to price movements in Futures.
Can one convert a Futures position into a physical delivery?In physically settled Futures contracts, traders have the obligation to take or make physical delivery of the underlying asset upon contract expiration.
What is the significance of the rollover in Futures trading?Rollover involves closing an expiring Futures contract and simultaneously opening a new one with a later expiry, allowing traders to maintain their market exposure.
Can one trade Futures on commodities in India?Yes, Futures contracts on various commodities, including metals, energy, and agricultural products, are available for trading in India.
How are dividend-paying stocks treated in Futures trading?Dividend-paying stocks may experience price adjustments in the Futures market, and traders should be aware of such corporate actions.
Can one use technical analysis in Futures trading?Yes, technical analysis is widely used in Futures trading to analyze historical price data, identify trends, and make informed trading decisions.
What is the role of market makers in Futures trading?Market makers provide liquidity by quoting buy and sell prices for Futures contracts, facilitating smooth trading and reducing bid-ask spreads.
How is the futures price related to the spot price?The futures price is influenced by the spot price of the underlying asset, interest rates, dividends, and the time to expiration, following the principles of cost-of-carry.
Can one trade Futures on global indices in India?Yes, some exchanges in India offer Futures contracts on international indices, allowing investors to participate in global market movements.
What is the role of the clearing member in Futures trading?Clearing members act as intermediaries between traders and the clearinghouse, ensuring the financial integrity of the market and facilitating settlement processes.
How does the rollover cost impact trading strategies?Rollover costs, associated with switching from one Futures contract to another, can impact trading strategies and should be considered by market participants.
Can one trade Futures on market indices in India?Yes, Futures contracts on various market indices, including Nifty 50, Sensex, and sector-specific indices, are available for trading in India.
What is the role of the settlement price in Futures trading?The settlement price is crucial for determining gains or losses in Futures trading and is used to calculate mark-to-market profits or losses.
How does interest rate change impact interest rate Futures?Interest rate Futures are sensitive to changes in interest rates, with prices moving inversely to interest rate movements, providing opportunities for speculation and hedging.
Can one trade Futures on currency pairs in India?Yes, currency Futures contracts allow traders to speculate on the future exchange rates between different currencies, providing opportunities for forex trading.
What is the role of the futures market in price discovery?The futures market plays a crucial role in price discovery by reflecting market participants’ expectations, aggregating information, and establishing fair market prices.
How does volatility impact Futures trading strategies?High volatility can present both opportunities and risks in Futures trading, influencing strategy selection, risk management, and the potential for substantial gains or losses.
Can one use algorithmic trading in Futures markets?Yes, algorithmic trading is commonly used in Futures markets to execute trading strategies automatically based on predefined algorithms and mathematical models.
What is the significance of the delivery month in Futures?The delivery month is the month specified in a Futures contract when physical delivery or cash settlement is expected, marking the end of the contract’s trading period.
How is the closing price determined in Futures contracts?The closing price in Futures contracts is typically the last traded price of the contract on the market before the close of the trading session.
Can one trade options on Futures in India?Yes, options on Futures contracts are available for trading in India, offering additional strategies and flexibility for market participants.
What is the role of the options premium in Futures trading?Options premium represents the cost of the options contract and is a key factor influencing trading decisions and overall strategy in the Futures market.
How does global economic events impact currency Futures?Global economic events, such as central bank decisions and geopolitical developments, can impact currency Futures by influencing exchange rates and market sentiment.
Can one trade Futures on interest rates in India?Yes, interest rate Futures allow traders to speculate on future interest rate movements, providing opportunities for managing interest rate risk and implementing various strategies.
What is the role of the expiry day in Futures trading?The expiry day is the last day of trading for a Futures contract, after which it either settles or expires, and traders need to manage their positions accordingly.
How is the settlement price determined for currency Futures?The settlement price for currency Futures is typically based on a reference rate provided by a recognized financial institution or an exchange-approved methodology.
Can one trade Futures on agricultural commodities in India?Yes, Futures contracts on agricultural commodities, such as wheat, soybeans, and cotton, are available for trading in India.
What is the role of the regulatory authority in Futures trading?Regulatory authorities, such as SEBI in India, oversee and regulate Futures trading to ensure fair practices, transparency, and the protection of investors.
How does economic data impact Futures markets?Economic data releases, such as GDP figures, employment reports, and inflation data, can influence market sentiment and lead to price movements in Futures.
Can one convert a Futures position into a physical delivery?In physically settled Futures contracts, traders have the obligation to take or make physical delivery of the underlying asset upon contract expiration.
What is the significance of the rollover in Futures trading?Rollover involves closing an expiring Futures contract and simultaneously opening a new one with a later expiry, allowing traders to maintain their market exposure.
Can one trade Futures on commodities in India?Yes, Futures contracts on various commodities, including metals, energy, and agricultural products, are available for trading in India.
How are dividend-paying stocks treated in Futures trading?Dividend-paying stocks may experience price adjustments in the Futures market, and traders should be aware of such corporate actions.
Can one use technical analysis in Futures trading?Yes, technical analysis is widely used in Futures trading to analyze historical price data, identify trends, and make informed trading decisions.
What is the role of market makers in Futures trading?Market makers provide liquidity by quoting buy and sell prices for Futures contracts, facilitating smooth trading and reducing bid-ask spreads.
How is the futures price related to the spot price?The futures price is influenced by the spot price of the underlying asset, interest rates, dividends, and the time to expiration, following the principles of cost-of-carry.
Can one trade Futures on global indices in India?Yes, some exchanges in India offer Futures contracts on international indices, allowing investors to participate in global market movements.
What is the role of the clearing member in Futures trading?Clearing members act as intermediaries between traders and the clearinghouse, ensuring the financial integrity of the market and facilitating settlement processes.
How does the rollover cost impact trading strategies?Rollover costs, associated with switching from one Futures contract to another, can impact trading strategies and should be considered by market participants.
Can one trade Futures on market indices in India?Yes, Futures contracts on various market indices, including Nifty 50, Sensex, and sector-specific indices, are available for trading in India.
What is the role of the settlement price in Futures trading?The settlement price is crucial for determining gains or losses in Futures trading and is used to calculate mark-to-market profits or losses.
How does interest rate change impact interest rate Futures?Interest rate Futures are sensitive to changes in interest rates, with prices moving inversely to interest rate movements, providing opportunities for speculation and hedging.
Can one trade Futures on currency pairs in India?Yes, currency Futures contracts allow traders to speculate on the future exchange rates between different currencies, providing opportunities for forex trading.
What is the role of the futures market in price discovery?The futures market plays a crucial role in price discovery by reflecting market participants’ expectations, aggregating information, and establishing fair market prices.
How does volatility impact Futures trading strategies?High volatility can present both opportunities and risks in Futures trading, influencing strategy selection, risk management, and the potential for substantial gains or losses.
Can one use algorithmic trading in Futures markets?Yes, algorithmic trading is commonly used in Futures markets to execute trading strategies automatically based on predefined algorithms and mathematical models.
What is the significance of the delivery month in Futures?The delivery month is the month specified in a Futures contract when physical delivery or cash settlement is expected, marking the end of the contract’s trading period.
How is the closing price determined in Futures contracts?The closing price in Futures contracts is typically the last traded price of the contract on the market before the close of the trading session.
Can one trade options on Futures in India?Yes, options on Futures contracts are available for trading in India, offering additional strategies and flexibility for market participants.
What is the role of the options premium in Futures trading?Options premium represents the cost of the options contract and is a key factor influencing trading decisions and overall strategy in the Futures market.
How does global economic events impact currency Futures?Global economic events, such as central bank decisions and geopolitical developments, can impact currency Futures by influencing exchange rates and market sentiment.
Can one trade Futures on interest rates in India?Yes, interest rate Futures allow traders to speculate on future interest rate movements, providing opportunities for managing interest rate risk and implementing various strategies.
What is the role of a futures contract in risk management?Futures contracts are commonly used for risk management, allowing businesses and investors to hedge against price fluctuations in the underlying assets.
Can one trade mini or micro futures contracts in India?Some exchanges offer mini or micro futures contracts, which represent a fraction of the standard contract size, providing flexibility for retail traders.
How does seasonality impact commodity futures trading?Seasonal factors, such as weather patterns and agricultural cycles, can influence commodity futures prices, impacting trading strategies for these assets.
Are there restrictions on the number of futures contracts one can hold?While there may not be strict limits on the number of contracts, traders need to manage their positions within the margin requirements and exchange regulations.
What is the role of the settlement guarantee fund in futures trading?The settlement guarantee fund helps cover potential defaults, ensuring the smooth functioning and financial integrity of the futures market.
Can one trade futures on cryptocurrency in India?As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there were discussions about introducing cryptocurrency futures in India, but it’s essential to check the latest regulatory updates.
How does market sentiment impact futures prices?Market sentiment, driven by news, events, and investor perceptions, can significantly impact futures prices, leading to increased volatility and trading opportunities.
What is the role of the futures exchange in price discovery?Futures exchanges provide a platform for buyers and sellers to determine prices through open market transactions, contributing to efficient price discovery.
Can one use fundamental analysis in futures trading?Fundamental analysis, which involves evaluating the underlying factors affecting an asset’s value, can be applied in futures trading to make informed investment decisions.
How does geopolitical risk impact futures markets?Geopolitical events, such as conflicts and geopolitical tensions, can create uncertainty and impact futures markets by influencing investor confidence and market dynamics.
Can one trade futures on individual commodities in India?Yes, individual commodities, such as gold, silver, and crude oil, have dedicated futures contracts in India, allowing traders to participate in specific commodity markets.
How does contango and backwardation affect futures trading?Contango and backwardation refer to the shape of the futures curve and can impact trading strategies, with contango favoring storage and backwardation favoring short-term gains.
What are the factors influencing margin requirements in futures trading?Margin requirements are influenced by factors like volatility, market conditions, and the asset’s liquidity, with exchanges periodically adjusting margin levels.
How is the closing price determined when markets experience volatility?In volatile markets, exchanges may implement mechanisms like price bands to control extreme price movements, impacting the determination of closing prices.
Can one trade futures on global commodities in India?Some exchanges in India offer futures contracts on global commodities, allowing traders to gain exposure to international commodity markets.
What is the role of the daily price limit in futures trading?Daily price limits are imposed by exchanges to prevent excessive price movements, and hitting these limits can temporarily halt trading for specific contracts.
How does speculation impact futures markets?Speculation involves betting on future price movements, and speculators play a vital role in providing liquidity and contributing to efficient price discovery in futures markets.
Can one trade futures on renewable energy in India?Exchanges may introduce futures contracts on renewable energy sources, aligning with evolving market trends and providing opportunities for traders in the green energy sector.
How does interest rate risk impact interest rate futures?Interest rate risk in interest rate futures arises from changes in market interest rates, affecting the value of the contracts and providing opportunities for interest rate hedging.
Can one trade futures on market volatility in India?Volatility futures allow traders to speculate on market volatility levels, providing a unique asset class for those looking to hedge against or capitalize on volatility swings.
What role do economic indicators play in futures trading?Economic indicators, such as unemployment rates and consumer confidence, can impact futures prices by providing insights into the overall health of the economy and influencing market sentiment.
Can one trade futures on rare metals in India?Some exchanges offer futures contracts on rare metals, providing exposure to unique commodities and diversifying trading portfolios.
How does weather-related news impact agricultural futures?Weather-related news, such as reports on droughts or abundant rainfall, can significantly impact agricultural futures by influencing crop yields and affecting supply and demand dynamics.
Can one use machine learning in futures trading strategies?Machine learning techniques, such as predictive modeling and pattern recognition, can be applied in futures trading to analyze large datasets and enhance decision-making processes.
What role do corporate earnings play in stock futures trading?Corporate earnings reports can impact stock futures prices, with positive or negative earnings surprises influencing market sentiment and triggering price movements.